Damon Braces | Expert Orthodontist London W11 [Skip to Content]

Damon Braces

Perfecting alignment and transforming smiles
damon braces

A Revolutionary Fixed Brace

Damon Braces™ can give you a broader and healthier smile in less time and more comfort than traditional fixed braces. A revolutionary braces, which uses a ‘slide mechanism’ to hold the wire while allowing the teeth to move more freely. The Damon Braces approach uses light biologically-sensible forces and self-ligating brace brackets to reduce the need of extracting teeth.

Damon Clear option. With a choice of either metal or clear ceramic brackets. Their ceramic braces are almost invisible . Damon Clear braces are resistant to staining and do not use elastic ties, providing a superior aesthetic solution for patients.

Damon Braces™

Damon braces are more like the traditional fixed brace as you know them, as the brackets fix to the outside of your teeth. However, it works by using a ‘slide mechanism’ to hold the wire.  There are no conventional elastic ties and the teeth can move more freely. The force applied to the tooth in order to move it, remains continuous therefore, adjustment appointments can be less frequent.

What Are The Benefits?

The brackets are smaller and a lower profile than traditional braces and because they do not have conventional elastic ties, which can attract or collect plaque, they make cleaning during treatment much easier. Plus, Damon Braces are available in clear brackets for patients who want a more discreet brace treatment.

Why Choose Damon™?

Holland Park Dental Centre’s specialists use this clinically proven treatment approach to align your teeth and enhance your facial aesthetics. The Damon Brace technology provides more comfort, without compromising on speed. In fact, it can produce excellent results in a shorter time. It successfully creates arch space usually without extractions or rapid palatal expanders, so if a narrow arch and overly crowded teeth is your concern it would be wise to consider this treatment option.

We’ve also written a few blogs to try and answer ‘Which brace is right for me?‘  you can check them out HERE. Alternatively, you can CONTACT one of our experienced team for some tailored advice about the best orthodontics for you!

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