Dermal Filler Treatment | Facial Aesthetics FREE CONS | W11 [Skip to Content]

Dermal Filler Treatment

Reduce and rejuvenate the lines of ageing

Dermal Filler can be used to smooth away lines, replace volume loss and restore youthful plumpness to tired skin.

Dr. Shan Lam prefers to use Restylane Dermal Filler, the world’s first non-animal hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a natural substance found in the skin and body which diminishes as part of the natural ageing process, causing dry, loose skin and reduced fullness of the face.

In cases where the deeper ageing lines or folds are the main complaint, a simple course of dermal filler treatment alone, or in conjunction with anti-wrinkle treatment, such as Botox, can provide instant improvement and reduction of these ageing lines. The results can last 6-9 months.

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How does Dermal Filler work?

When Dermal Filler is administered into a crease line, it creates volume under the wrinkles, lifting up and smoothing out the lines. It can also be used to enhance the lips and also sculpt the cheeks and reduce the bags under eyes called tear trough.



How long does Dermal Filler treatment take?

The dermal filler treatment takes about 15-20 minutes to administer and is relatively painless, although in the more sensitive areas, we may recommend placement of local anaesthetic to aid comfort.

dermal filler

Case Studies

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A beautiful, healthy smile gives you confidence within.

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