BOTOX® Kensington | Anti-Wrinkle Treatment | FREE CONSULTATION [Skip to Content]

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

BOTOX® at Holland Park Dental Centre

Botox® is a brand of Botulinum Toxin type A, it was the first brand to be used for cosmetic purposes which is why so many people refer to the treatment as “Botox” even though many clinics use different brands as well.

Botulinum Toxin is used to temporarily relax muscles causing a reduction of lines and wrinkles, softening facial expressionsFor many, Anti-wrinkle treatment can be the answer for the first signs of ageing are the appearance of facial creases or wrinkles, frown lines and/or crow’s feet. These form as a result of the over-activity of the facial muscles pulling in a certain manner and direction so over time, a set of facial creases will appear relating to that particular habit.

In these cases, anti-wrinkle treatment, such as Botox, can be ideal in achieving the ultimate in anti-ageing effect, restoring a youthful, smooth appearance.

How does Botox work?

BOTOX®  (Botulinum toxin) works by freezing overactive facial muscles in the areas concerned and effectively putting them to sleep for 3-6months. Not only will this reduce or even eliminate the ageing lines, we are more importantly aiming to break the habit that is resulting in the appearance of these facial lines or wrinkles.

Therefore, unlike the “newest” anti-wrinkle or anti-ageing skin or eye cream on the market which functions only to hide the ageing lines, BOTOX®  can help to actively eliminate them and can even help prevent the lines forming to begin with!

How long does BOTOX®  take to administer?

BOTOX®  treatment usually takes 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of areas treated. This is not a painful procedure and is very similar to having acupuncture. Therefore, local anaesthetic is not usually required. If requested we can apply topical anaesthetic cream 20-30 minutes before treatment to help with any tenderness at the injection site.

dermal filler

Case Studies

A beautiful, healthy smile gives you confidence within.
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  • Fixed Orthodontics & Dental Hygiene Therapy
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  • ICON Treatment
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A beautiful, healthy smile gives you confidence within.

What’s your smile solution?