Do Snoring Splints Work?
There are varying degrees and varying types of snoring: it can be 'simple', or it can be symptomatic and may require further exploration. Regardless, there are a number of...
There are varying degrees and varying types of snoring: it can be 'simple', or it can be symptomatic and may require further exploration. Regardless, there are a number of...
Our Dental Implant Treatment uses advanced technologies that enable accurate and delicate implant placement. The treatment fee includes...
Up to 9 in 10 people in the UK have some degree of gum disease; signs can be as small as a touch of bleeding when brushing – which is widely ignored.However, unhealthy gums can eventually cause your teeth to lose support and become unstable, which can lead to tooth loss.Gum disease such as Gingivitis can lead to a much more severe and irreversible disease called Periodontitis.The good news is, that with appropriate dental recalls and a thorough and knowledgeable oral hygiene regime, you can tackle gingivitis and prevent it from ever...
What is PROPHYpearls?PROPHYpearls is an Air Polish that's extremely gentle on the teeth. It's scientifically proven not to leave any adverse modifications to your tooth's surface as the pearls do not have any sharp edges. The PROPHYpearls spherical shape also...
This is a question we are often asked.When patients have porcelain veneers fitted to a shade they're happy with at the time, they may decide they would like a whiter, brighter smile later on. Unfortunately, because of the material they are...
Why stop smoking this Stoptober? Did you know that within just 20 mins of quitting smoking your heart and body begins to recover!You’ve already made the decision to quit, recognizing this will benefit your health is a great first step – now, you just need to stay motivated. Here are some overlooked reasons to help you become a non-smoker! Your food will taste better! When you stop smoking, your senses of smell and taste get a boost. You may notice that food tastes and smells different as your mouth and nose recover from being...
Despite being highly preventable, the most widespread chronic disease is gum disease. The links between your dental health and your general health are tremendous. A build-up of bacteria caused by dental disease may increase your risk of other kinds of disease and serious health problem across your body. "The link between oral health and overall health is well documented and backed up by robust scientific evidence. Despite this, only one in six people realises that people with gum disease may have an increased risk of stroke or diabetes. And only one in three...
New Data Law | Changes to your Personal Data On 25th May 2018 The Data Protection Act 1998 will be replaced by the Data Protection Bill and The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Our commitment to protecting your data will never change and remains our priority. Due to the upcoming changes in data regulations we’ve reorganised our Privacy Policy to make it easier to read and to address new global requirements. Do I need to do anything? Yes, if you are happy for us to continue to text, call, email & post to you...
Can my braces be invisible? What's the best hidden brace for me? Answers from Specialist Orthodontist providing Incognito Braces in Kensington, London....
It can often be the case that if you have bad breath – you’re the last to know. Check out our top 5 signs you may have a gum problem....