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Our blogs aim to provide facts about dental products and services to help you to fully understand what’s involved and to help you to take the best care of your teeth and gums.
Children's Orthodontics
Apr 10 2021

Children’s Orthodontics

So often children come to us hating their smiles, while the functionality of your teeth is important, we understand that a great smile will work wonders for a child's confidence - especially during those awkward years! And we love helping them achieve the best results possible!...

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General health
Mar 19 2021

What are the links between General Health and Dental Health?

Did you know that gum disease is the most widespread chronic disease, despite the fact that it is highly and easily preventable! The links between your general health and dental health are undeniable. A build-up of bacteria caused by dental disease can increase your risk of other kinds of disease and serious health problem across your body."The link between oral health and overall health is well documented and backed up by robust scientific evidence. Despite this, only one in six people realises that people with gum disease may have an increased risk...

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Icon Treatment
Jan 26 2021

Icon Smile Makeover

Dr Shan Lam used the revolutionary ICON treatment to treat Adam's white spot lesion in less than an hour!...

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What’s your smile solution?