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Our blogs aim to provide facts about dental products and services to help you to fully understand what’s involved and to help you to take the best care of your teeth and gums.
Early Orthodontic Asessment
Aug 11 2021

Early Orthodontic Assessment | Smile Makeover

This patient attended for an early orthodontic assessment as it was becoming clear that his adult teeth would not have enough space to erupt in the correct positions. The early assessment meant that his dentition could be monitored for 2 years to enable his treatment to be started at the correct time....

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How to floss
Aug 02 2021

Do You Floss Properly?

On average only 31% of Brits say that they floss their teeth daily. Despite NHS guidelines suggesting that everyone from the age of 12 should include it in their daily oral hygiene regime. For some, it is seen as an additional extra they simply don't have time for, while others don't know how to do it properly....

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Jul 30 2021

iTero Scan

At Holland Park Dental Centre we believe you should have as much information about your desired treatment as possible, before you make a final decision! That is Why we offer our iTero Scans for Free! Everything you need to know!...

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Jul 16 2021

What is Invisalign®

A virtually invisible aligner system to improve your smile. It’s a series of clear SmartTrack removable aligners, no wires, no brackets which makes them comfortable and extremely hard to notice....

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Jun 28 2021

What Is General Dentistry

The term General Dentistry refers to a wide range of Dental Treatments carried out by a qualified medical professional, with the goal to maintain good oral health in their patients and prevent and diagnose oral health issues. A General Dentist could be considered the GP of dental medicine....

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Jun 21 2021

Do I Have To Wear Retainers Forever?

The short answer is yes! When our patients ask us this question our usual and honest answer is; "You should wear your retainer for as long as you want straight teeth."Although the prospect of doing something for the rest of your life is quite daunting, the truth is, once something becomes routine it has very little affect on you. And, you do have a number of options to make wearing them as easy as possible....

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Jun 14 2021

Meet The Dentist | Dr Shan Lam

At Holland Park Dental Centre we pride ourselves on being so much more than a regular dental practice. Pairing innovative dentistry with traditional values we believe we offer a service that suits every patient we treat....

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teeth whitening
May 26 2021

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

With so many products on the market and all over social media, promising amazing, immediate results; It's impossible to know which one to choose, and more importantly - which ones are safe!If we are being honest there is only one sure fire way to know that your teeth whitening treatment is safe; You get it from the dentist!...

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What’s your smile solution?