Anti-Snoring Treatment in London | Devices to Stop Snoring | Holland Park Dental [Skip to Content]

Anti-Snoring Treatment

Restoring quality to your sleep

Stop snoring – for good! Believe it or not, the dentist should be the first person you visit for an Anti-Snoring Treatment! Once you understand what causes the majority of both simple and complex snoring, you’ll see why we’re best placed to help you get a peaceful night’s sleep. The animation shows how snoring and sleep apnoea occurs. The Sleepwell anti-snoring device is used to hold the patient’s mandible (bottom jaw) forward during sleep. This prevents the airway from closing, allowing air to pass freely into the lungs. Improving sleep quality and reducing the chance of Apnoeas or Hypopneas.

Snoring affects a huge 40% of us, with 25% of couples sleeping in separate bedrooms. An Anti-Snoring Treatment could change that!

“…I used the Sleepwell and had the best night’s sleep ever!…I’ve been tracking my sleep with my FitBit since using it – and the difference is quite simply amazing! I actually have dreams now – before using the device I can’t remember how long its been since I woke up and remembered having a dream.”

– Sleepwell Patient

Anti-Snoring Treatment

Snoring and daytime sleepiness can have a profound effect on not only the snorer but their partner too. Anti-Snoring Treatment is something we believe can make a real difference to our patients’ life and happiness. We feel a duty to offer the best treatment to restore quality to our patients’ sleep, therefore, the Anti-Snoring Treatment Dr Shan Lam provides is the market-leading Sleepwell Snoring Splint. This really is the place to start your journey to a better night’s sleep!

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Case Studies

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  • ICON Treatment
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A beautiful, healthy smile gives you confidence within.

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